ISLAMABAD: Capital Development Authority (CDA) is taking all possible precautionary measures to save its employees from Covid-19. On the directions of CDA Administration, the Authority is arranging random Covid-19 testing of its employees. In this regard CDA has started to conduct random Covid-19 testing of officers and officials working in different directorates.
According to CDA Press Statement the Directorate of Health Services team has started to collect samples which are being sent to National Institute of Health (NIH) for results. The purpose of this exercise is to provide healthful working environment to CDA employees.
The current step taken by CDA Administration is a part of a series of actions being taken by CDA Administration to protect its employees from Covid-19. Earlier CDA had restricted the entry of persons without face masks inside the premises of its main secretariat. The security staff deputed at entry gates is ensuring that no person without face mask manages to enter CDA main secretariat. The security staff further ensures that no person with symptoms of Covid-19 including temperature enters CDA main secretariat premises.
On the other hand CDA Administration is sensitizing and pushing its employees to follow SOPs related to Covid-19. Administration directorate has already issued circular in this regard and Security Directorate teams make sure that the employees of the Authority observe SOPs.