Students seeking admissions in B.S and Associated Diploma Programs of Islamabad Capital Territory colleges are perturbed over the constant delay in display of merits lists on the directives of the concerned authorities.
According to an official source, the Federal Directorate of Education (FDE) instructed the colleges to display the merit list of B.S/ADP students on October 15, 2021.
The teachers worked day and night and prepared the lists well in time; however all of the sudden, FDE extended the date and asked the colleges to display the merit lists on October 22, 2021.
Hundreds of aspiring students came to check the lists which were not displayed on the notice boards as FDE further extended the date to October 25 which led to increase in anxiety among students and parents.
Kamran, a parent standing at the gate of Islamabad Model College for Girls F-7/2 said, “FDE is following micro-management which is negatively affecting the admission process. It is an established practice to conceive, plan and execute the admission process in colleges at the outset of a new academic year.
Even the plans with dates are published in the press so that stakeholders may not suffer any hardship and inconvenience, he said..
“In their new micro-management style FDE has jeopardized the entire process by affecting the declared schedule of screening the applications and announcement of list of selected candidates for admission”, the parent said.
“There seems a method in this madness, parents are already fed up with bureaucratic riddles in public institutions but they are still interested their children to be admitted in our colleges perhaps they trust our able teachers or they can’t afford heavy charges of private colleges” said a member of admission committee at Islamabad Model Postgraduate college of Commerce H-8/4.
“It is a pity to see parents running from pillar to post, watching notice boards for new schedules and being disappointed. What is the motive behind these interventions in the smooth process of admissions? Obviously, there is some vested interest in demotivating parents to look for alternatives in the private sector”, the member said while talking to APP.
Earlier FDE has discontinued BS in Geography of this college” said a Professor at Islamabad Model Postgraduate College H-8.
An office bearer of Federal Government College Teachers Association (FGCTA) has requested the FDE to avoid micro- management and let the institutions under its jurisdiction to work and serve the poor masses in the real spirit of what they deserve to be.
A college should be assisted to widen its capacity rather than limiting its scope in public service, the official said.