The rain lashed over upper and central parts of the country including the federal capital on Monday afternoon broke the intensity of hot and humid weather conditions. The rain started in Islamabad during afternoon, continued for about half an hour, which later turned into a drizzle providing the much needed respite to the heat-stricken people from severe humidity prevailed before the rain spell.
Majority of the people especially children came to roof tops, outside their homes, open areas and parks to enjoy the rainy weather. Azaan Khan, a young boy living at G-8 /I sector said, “It was unexpected to have such a good rainfall during the day time otherwise we always miss to enjoy those occurred during the night time mostly”.
“The nice weather creates a positive impact on one’s mood too. I am walking outside my house to enjoy the drizzle as there is no comparison of the natural wind to the artificial cooling of air conditioners which we mostly use while sitting at home”, he said. Fatima Hanif, a mother of two children said, “when weather becomes good, I enjoy doing every kind of work either it’s is cooking the meal or doing house chores. Hot and humid weather increases fatigue and restrict frequent movements”.
“Although we are avoiding moving to the recreational spots due to the prevailing risks of catching COVID-19 virus but still we have planned to roam in the city while sitting in the car”, she said while talking to this news agency. The change in weather has also increased the sale of fried items like pakoras, samosas, Jalebi etc. in the main markets of the capital as most of the people rush to buy these items generally associated with the pleasant weather.
According to the Pakistan Meteorological Department (PMD), strong monsoon currents were penetrating towards upper parts of the country and likely to continue in these areas during next few days while a westerly wave was also present over northwestern parts of the country. Rain-wind-thundershower with isolated heavy falls is expected in Kashmir, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Islamabad, Punjab, Gilgit Baltistan, northeast Balochistan and southeast Sindh in next 24 hours. Whereas hot and humid weather to continue elsewhere in the country during next this time span.