The federal government resolved over 1.5 million complaints in response to over 1.7 million complaints registered with the Pakistan Citizen Portal. The details were submitted by the Prime Minister Office in its written reply to Senate.
According to the details, overall 1,71,1059 complaints were registered with the citizen portal during the period from October 2018 to 23 January 2020. The portal resolved 1,557,000 complaints leaving behind a backlog of 156,352 complaints.
The prime minister house submitted that at least 40 percent of the citizens expressed their satisfaction over how their complaints were addressed while 60 percent termed the process unsatisfactory.
Around 447,000 customers were satisfied with the complaint processing procedure. The Senate also passed the Foreign Exchange Regulation Act, 1947 [The Foreign Exchange Regulation (Amendment) Bill, 2019].
On February 06, in line with the direction of Prime Minister Imran Khan, Pakistan Citizen Portal on Thursday introduced a new category to tackle complaints about corruption in government offices.
According to the Prime Minister’s Office, the citizen portal has introduced a new category to lodge complaints about financial corruption, irregularities, abuse of powers and incompetency.
The PM Office said that the initiative has been taken to discourage corruption, fraud and abuse of powers by the government officials. PM Imran-led government is committed to eliminate corruption from the society.